


We welcome new volunteers in the parish and If you would like further information please contact the Parish Office or talk to any of the Priests of the Parish.

The current rosters for all Ministers of the Word and Ministers of the Eucharist are available here: 

Ministers of the Word  

Readers Roster September & October 2024.pdf

Readers Roster November & December 2024 .pdf

Ministers of the Eucharist

Minister of the Eucharist Roster October 2024.pdf

Minister of the Eucharist Roster November 2024.pdf


Communion Service Roster October 2024.pdf

Minister of the If you have an interest in becoming a Minister of the Word or a Minister of the Eucharist, please contact Colette in the Parish Office.

Group Name

Outdoor Collectors 
Door to door collection of parish development offerings

Finance Committee 
Parish fund raising and Planned Giving

Letter Distribution 
Circulation of Easter, Christmas, and other notices.

Church Cleaners 
Keep the Church clean and tidy

Perform odd jobs to keep the Church maintained

Folk Group 
Enhance religious services with music

Senior Choir 
Enhance religious services with music

Children's Family Mass
Assist priest at mass and other spiritual services

Lay Readers 
Read at mass and other spiritual services

Lay Ministers 
Distribute Holy Communion

Mass Collectors 
Assist by taking up collections at masses

Parish Council
Work on Parish Council or any of its sub-committees

Children's Choir - Drynam 
Enhance religious services with music

Children's Liturgy Group - Drynam 

Church Flowers
Christmas and Easter Liturgy services

New helpers with Church Flower Arranging are always welcome